Maribyrnong River Trail Ride (Alternate Route)

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This ride commences at The Strand car park (near Newport Power Station) and follows the Maribyrnong River Trail to Brimbank Park. Much of the trail is surfaced with bitumen or concrete and the rest has a fine packed gravel surface, suitable for most types of bikes. The gradients are very gentle, with the exception of one short climb near the centre of the ride. This variation completes the outward ride along the Maribyrnong River but returns along an alternate route along Steele Creek through Keilor and Niddrie.

Total Distance: 53 km

You can see that the trail rises very gently as it follows the river upstream from Newport. There is one short climb at the 13 km point where the trail zig zags to an impressive scenic point overlooking the river and Melbourne buildings in the distance.

You can see the Google Earth path of this ride by clicking here.