Belgrave to Southbank Ride
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This ride starts at Belgrave Railway Station and endeavours to follow bike paths all the way down to Southbank (and back again). The first section entails a steady descent alongside the railway line to Upper FTG. From there the trail levels out as it winds down to Knox City Shopping Centre. The next section to Jells Park is relatively flat and you can stop at the kiosk for a coffee if you have time. Then it’s out of the park and down (or up) Waverly Rd where you encounter the only BIG hill of the day. At Holmesglen you link up with the Scotchmans Creek Trail which connects with the Main Yarra Trail and takes you all the way to the city.
The total distance (both directions) is approximately 105 km and the ride is suitable for anyone of reasonable bike fitness. A great way to see Melbourne from a different vantage point.
You can see the Google Earth overlay here.
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