Ghostriders “Under African Skies” Adventure – Now Completed
I am happy to report that our 2012 Under African Skies Adventure has now been safely and successfully completed. All our participants are now safely back in Melbourne after sharing an incredible series of adventures together. Before we left for Africa I had many well meaing people warn me of all the dangers we would be facing, however I can honestly say that all we received were thousands of smiles, waves and handshakes in every country we visited. In fact we were completely unprepared for the warmth of the African people wherever we went. Our travels took us almost 6000 km through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe and gave us the chance to experience at close hand some of the greatest wonders in the world.

From left – Jan, Vince, Jenny, Noel, Dennis, Glenda, Gael, Bob, Gerry, Rick and Ann
You can now read the full account of this adventure here.