In which we help Deliver a Baby!
The full story of this amazing experience will be posted shortly – this is a MUST READ.
With Mal still away in darkest Kenya and Bob still sunning his contoured calves on the beach at Noosa John and I knew that this would be our last chance to complete a ride at our own pace.
Although the original weather forecast predicted a “fine and mostly sunny afternoon” I was a little concerned to see that the sky was completely dark and overcast as I pulled out of my drive and started to head for Wandin. The situation looked even bleaker when the skies opened up in ernest when I was midway between Cockatoo and Woori Yallock. It would have been very easy to cancel the ride and head back to the security of my office, but I tried to be optimistic and pushed on regardless.
The rain had stopped by the time I made Wandin and headed off down the hill. Over the past of months John had been steadily shortening his rides (apparently in an attempt to husband his energy for some sort of renewed effort in the Springtim). He had indicated that I should expect somewhere around Woori Yallock, although I would not have been really surprised if he had taken one look at the skies then driven straight through to the coffee shop at Warburton.
As I pedalled along in solitude I could see the damage caused by the recent storms. The trail was indeed wetter then we had ever seen it and numerous trees and branches littered the way ahead. Fortunately there was no wind and I was able to make good time. I met up with John at Woori Yallock and the two of us had a somewhat uneventful ride to Warburton, although the peace and quiet of the ride was regularly interrupted by the jarring notes of John’s hooter and his cries of “speed alert”.
Once we arrived at the traditional watering hole at Warburton we commenced to stock up with sufficient calories to prepare us for the long cold, wet ride back. I thought it would be wise to replenish my body’s cream reserves and proceeded to polish off a chocolate eclair. It is impossible to stress hard enough to non riders that the compulsory coffee stop is indeed the true high point of each and every ride.
When the time had come for us to begin the reverse leg of the ride, the skies began to open up in earnest. John and I looked at other and asked the same question “Where did all this rain come from?” As we rode on down the hill with the water trickling down our backs we finally began to wonder whether it would not have been better to stay back in the office.
Fortunately the rain was only gentle and passed over withing about 20 minutes leaving us to continue our ride in peace. It was at about this time that we were presented with one of the most amazing sights that we have ever seen on the trail. There in full view on the side of the trail a mother was giving birth to her new baby.
John stood and stared in open mouther wonder while I took charge of the situation. Although there was no ready source of hot water I did all I could to ensure that the birth proceeded safely, with lots of encouragement to the mother. Although we looked back and forth for other riders to come along the path, we were the only two people available and had to make the most of the situation.
The new born baby was apparently healthy and thriving so we tried to let nature take its course as far as possible. The mother also seemed to be doing well although she was obviously relieved that John and I had come along to assist her in her hour of greatest need.
Within 30 minutes the mother and baby seemed to be out of danger so we felt OK to leave them there while we continued our ride. If you would like to see a picture of the the happy mother and baby click here.
By this time the day was rapidly advancing and John was starting to get keen to get home for bed and another early night. As we completed the remainder of the ride we could not forget the amazing experience we had shared and had to admit that it seems that we should never be surprised at what can happen during our weekly rides.While the rest of the world slaves away in their factories and office places, the real world is all around us on the Warby Trail. It’s a tough ride but someone’s got to do it!