The Poowong Circuit

This scenic ride starts at Lang Lang and follows McDonalds Track to the quiet Gippsland town of Poowong. The ride starts gently for the first few km but soon you will encounter a few climbs to get you well and truly warmed up. After passing Nyora the road begins the steady but achievable climb to Poowong. Take the time to savour the wonderful views North towards Drouin while you are working your way up the hill.

Poowong is your only chance to buy food and drink so it’s probably a good idea to stock up at the small General Store. It’s not exactly a Bakery but they will make coffee and they sell a small range of pies and sweets, etc.

After leaving Poowong the road climbs for another couple of km before the first big descent of the day. You can really fly down here if you are game. The rest of this section to the Drouin T intersection is undulating enough to give you a good workout. Turn left at the T intersection and head back towards Lang Lang. The traffic in this section is a little busier so take care and ride single file. The only significant remaining obstacle is Heath Hill. This is a challenge for newer riders who may need to take a break midway.

Once over Heath Hill it’s easy going all the way back to Lang Lang where there is a selection of shops to buy food and drinks after the ride. Allow about 3 to 4 hours depending on your fitness and how hard you want to push it.

This is a wonderful ride but is best done in mild weather. In hot or cold weather it can be quite exposed.

Total Distance: 75.0 km

The Google Earth route overlay can be found here.