Ulm Bavaria

After the mother of all trips we have finally arrived in Ulm, ready to start our ride. It’s now been somthing like 40 hours since I was in a bed so I think I am running an adrenaline. It reminded me afresh just why I hate long distance flights. On the flight from Melbourne to Singapore I was sitting next to an Indian guy who must have forgotten to bring his handkerchief. Every few seconds he would invoke a huge reverse snot up his nose. After an hour of this I felt like giving him my hankie, just to shut him up. At least we parted company at Singapore. And why are the seats designed for 4 ft pygmies from the Kalahari ???

The next flight from Singapore to Munich took us right over Afghanistan and parts of Russia. We just kept hoping the Taliban did not have surface to air missiles. We finally arrived at Munich at about 5 am, then caught the train to the Central Station. Finally another high speed ICE train to Ulm. So quiet you can hardly feel it moving.Along the way we passed numerous solar panels in large paddocks. Theer were literally acres of them. Why don’t we do this in Australia ? Good question.

On arrival in Ulm the weather was about 31C and without a cloud in the sky. Looks like we won’t need the thermal underwear. After a few hours we are already a little sunburnt.
Ulm is a beautiful city with incredible old buildings wherever you look. Lionel and I decided to climb to the top of the tallest church steeple in the world. 768 steps, but who’s counting ? The view from the top was incredible, but it was very hard work and a severe test on the 48 hour old deodorant.

Tonight we are going down to have dinner at a restaurant on the side of the Danube. Then it’s off to bed for an early night and an attempt to catch up on some missed sleep. We have one more whole day in Ulm before we start riding.