Great Victorian Rail Trail – March 15th 2015

The Great Victorian Rail Trail is the longest rail trail in Victoria and too long for most riders to be able to ride in a single day. For that reason we usually choose to do it in two stages. The first stage was ridden on March 15th 2015 when we started at Yea and rode to Alexandra and back again. We were fortunate to have a perfect day for our ride. Conditions here in summer could be quite extreme, so it is best ridden in the coller months of the year. Later in the year we return to ride the other section from Yea to Tallarook and back again.


One thought on “Great Victorian Rail Trail – March 15th 2015

  • August 19, 2015 at 11:48 am

    The new website is most impressive, a lot of work has gone into this and now it should also be easier to update being a CMS.

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